Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I am NOT weighing in today. I know I did horrible this week. Having company in town is really hard because I can't just eat on my own. Food= being social, and I hate that. Plus I feel like a big fat cow because my RED STAR should be here any day now. I refuse to punish myself by getting on the scale. Lets wait until next week. Exactly 1 month until my race...highly motivated again.

Also I have had to take a mini break from running so I don't blow out my IT bands. The only way to not injure myself more is rest. On Monday by mile 6.5 I wanted to cry my knees hurt so bad. I don't want to be like that for the race. So, there you have it.

1 comment:

JSL, ABE&H said...

IT bands whats that?