Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Yes I am tired new schedule is kinda crazy and I work 10 days in a row and with my commute I am pushing 12 hour days which leaves little time to get everything in (yes I know I don't have kiddoes but I do take care of David) and not be dog tired...I just don't want it to sound like an excuse...I haven't given up I just have to figure out what I can do to fit it into my new life. Once I do I fully intend to get back down to where I want to be. I am so proud of the girls for sticking to it and meeting there goals..if anything I hope that I jump started this whole thing :o) .I am sooo jealous! They both look fabulous and I hope that I get there sooner than later...there are many reasons I need too and I hope I can figure it all out. I guess there really is no need to continue our blog at this point ladies but lets continue to talk about it and motivate each other any way we can. Love you girls!

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